Wednesday, 4 September 2013

On the Web of Life

For quite a while I've been wanting to share this, my few cents, to the plethora of wisdom found in the internet. Of the millions of questions that sparks from our synapses since childhood, we often are interested in finding the answers to the ones that eventually get to define our adulthood that in turn, sadly, make us realize that there is no 'pot of gold' at the end of the burrows. Yet, I believe, we should never stop asking questions or finding answers about our existences  even if we think it doesn't make any sense, because, the day we stop becoming curious about life, will be the day life quits becoming curious upon us.

To cut right into my message, I've used to travel to my workplace by railways, so, everyday i'll get to be 'doped' by gasping at the morning glory of sunrise, while basking in the breeze watching the palette of green shrubs, bushes and trees, all along the way, peacefully seated near the window inside the speeding train. So, recently I've been kinda wondering, how does something so far away from me (the sunrise) and so unrelated to me (the tree) can offer motivation that allows me to feel a sense of solitude beyond my imaginations? How it is so connected to my life, though for a brief while in the day, yet, I don't get to physically relate it in my 'real' life, like I talk with and relate to my friends and family who, too, have offered such motivations in my life.

There are many such things in nature (like lakes, mountains, flowers, etc.) that invisibly have added so much meaning to our 'real' world living. It makes me wonder that if something standing apart and practically being 'lifeless', has the ability to offer us, such transcending levels of motivation, in our everyday lives, why can't we as 'living' entities, could make a difference in somebody's life, no matter how unrelated that someone might be to us, as we are all related as Humans being made/evolved from a common source. It is my logical implication, of how much connected we are, already, in making each others lives better by small and simple acts of random kindness.    

These tiny unnoticed stimulants of nature will be so unnoticed until they remain just like 'spots' in space and time, but as we travel along and make connections with these spots we won't make huge differences, but slowly and surely a design appears, a destiny emerges and in time, our life's meaning is manifested into a perfectly woven web of life.

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